Every wedding deserves to be captured in motion. Here are our following recommendations (in no particular order) of our favourite Perth videographers.
Inception Video
Storytellers at their core, the team at Inception Video has the ability to turn your wedding day into a gorgeous production you’ll want to watch over and over. Headed by Michel Jepson, his team works with two different styles to suit specific needs – documentary and creative. The extensive experience behind Inception ensures each real moment is captured beautifully, which is why they come highly recommended by many happy clients.
Glow Films
There is a reason this wedding videographer production team contains the word ‘glow’, and that’s because you’ll feel like you are starring in your own Hollywood movie as its glimmering lead! The high level of technical skills and professional manner of creative mind Jason Soon and his team at Glow Films ensures they are barely noticed throughout your important day, and the high quality editing results in truly stunning video.
Iceberg Media
For wedding videography with a chic, elegant feel I recommend looking at Iceberg Media. The clean finishes of their work is modern, with creative elements that make it unique and able to cater to your personal style. Headed by the talented Ze Weng Wong, him and his team always have friendly smiles and a lovely, gentle attitude that makes each couple feel at ease in front of the lens.
Wild Feathers Creative
A wedding video should be full to the brim of excitement and love, a tone that the team behind Wild Feathers Creative have an amazing ability to capture every time. Alex and Jake combine a cinematic eye with romantic storytelling to create modern scenes for the contemporary couple. For real personality and beautiful, bold results be sure to check out their portfolio of innovative work.
Orriss Films
Capturing the raw, high energy emotions that pour out during a wedding day, Duane Orriss has turned his love of honest film into a stylish wedding videography business called Orriss Films. With a focus on finding the real, candid moments that happen when true love is celebrated, you can rest assured your wedding video will have a personal and intimate feel full of happiness and joy should you work with Duane.